Art With Elders Enhances the Lives of Our Valued Seniors in The Bay Area

AWE Belmont Albany Class. Photo courtesy of AWE
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Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Mark Campbell, Executive Director of Art With Elders (AWE). During that interview it became clear that AWE is an organization staffed by professionals who have big talent and bigger hearts. Its stated mission is to use the power of art, creativity, and community to enrich the journey of aging. That is a mission statement not voiced by many organizations, yet so important to our entire society’s well-being. AWE makes seniors their priority. Everything they do is designed to bring a sense of joy, confidence, and fulfillment into the lives of those with whom they interact. A very positive side effect of that is the benefit this gives to the families and friends of those seniors. 

Mark Campbell, Executive Director of Art With Elders. Photo courtesy of AWE

Happiness, success, confidence, and sociability are somewhat tough to measure. However, in surveys of the seniors who participate regularly in the AWE classes, the results are overwhelmingly positive. 98% of those surveyed feel more confident; 98% feel happier; 95% are more social. Art With Elders is definitely making a difference in the lives of many seniors. It gives its participants a sense of accomplishment that is real.

“Honoring My Father in the Artisan’s Workshop,” An Example of artwork done by a participant in the classes. Photo courtesy of AWE

The Bay Aea is lucky to have this organization. It is unique. Founded 33 years ago by Brent Nettle, as “The San Francisco Ministry to Nursing Homes,” its goal has always been to use creativity to provide seniors with a way to continue to feel productive, accomplished, and accepted as part of a community.  It has evolved into Art With Elders, which continues to expand and serve senior communities as well as seniors who live alone throughout the Bay Area. With Mark as its current Executive Director, it definitely has talented and dedicated leadership. AWE partners with a number of senior centers to bring its professional staff of artists to the communities to facilitate classes there. Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center is their largest partner community. They partner with senior communities throughout the Bay Area including The Sequoias, San Francisco Towers, and Viamonte Senior Living at Walnut Creek. Their website, lists many other locations at which they hold regular classes.

An exhibit of artwork from the participants of AWE. Photo courtesy of AWE

I mention the website early in this article because, unlike many websites, this one is easy to navigate and it is full of helpful, clearly explained information for anyone wanting to get involved with the organization in any capacity, be that student, staff, partner, donor, or purchaser of the artwork. Seniors living alone as well as those residing in senior communities can use the website to find out how to enroll in classes. There are even tutorials you can access that originated during the pandemic when everything had to be remote. These give you a taste of what the classes would entail.

“Her Smile,” painted by a participant at the Dr. George W. Davis Senior Center. Photo courtesy of AWE

I asked Mark Campbell to describe a typical class. Classes are held in person and online. Supplies are provided by AWE. Folks with all levels of artistic skill are welcome. What Mark said many times was that people surprise themselves and others with the level of creativity and skill that develops in this open and accepting environment.  I did not get the impression that anyone wanting to participate would be turned down. All class instructors are artists. The media they work with is usually paint, acrylic or watercolor, but drawing and other art forms are sometimes available too.  Classes meet weekly.  The length of the class varies as does the number of participants. It seemed to me that many of the projects were inspired by the students, not the instructors, so the participants, even more than the art, were the focus of each class.

Participants and the instructor at the YMCA display their creations. Photo courtesy of AWE

The above-mentioned website has clearly marked tabs that guide you to the information about the classes, the senior center partners, and how to get involved with the organization. You can find out where their artwork is on exhibit both permanently and temporarily throughout the year. One particularly interesting tab is labeled “Purchases.” It takes you to a glorious variety of artwork done by the AWE participants. It is truly amazing. You can easily purchase artwork of many types from this selection online. The prices are very reasonable. Who knows? One of these creative seniors might be famous one day.

“Our Voices” by a student at the On Lok Gee Center. Photo courtesy of AWE

Like most non-profits, Art With Elders depends on donors’ help to continue its mission.  While there is a recommended donation for students who participate, there is no required fee, and supplies are given to the students at no cost to them. Those of us who are seniors as well as those of us who care for seniors in our family and our community know how important the work that they are doing is for the well-being of their participants. Donations are a great way to help. Purchasing artwork online gives you that added bonus of having a unique piece of art created by the folks you are helping. Check out the website. Again, it is This is an amazing organization that is quietly transforming the lives of our valuable seniors.


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